OK, I've written what has probably been my LAST post in the Antarctica plot, unless I think of something interesting to do that will fit before the story ends. Apologies for the hastily-written post and the poor introduction of "Trinity" -- I just thought she (they?) should show up at least briefly since I made a big deal about Myrddin promising their (her) help in an earlier post. They don't have to show up again in this story, though. I'll probably use them (her?) again in another story down the road as Myrddin's current main agent (since Crasher and Ameristar are unavailable, I mean), but they're really supposed to be minor characters, so they shouldn't hog too much of the spotlight, anyway. I also haven't defined their abilities, either, or specified whether they're metahumans or merely ordinary humans with advanced tech 'cause I haven't decided yet. Best to just not mention them again in this story, I guess.

Now I just have to finish writing the La Perdita post I began and left unfinished (don't delete it, please!) -- it has to take place at about this time and before the team gets back to the island as it depends on their absence. You'll see why when I write it.