Pro: Okay, well, I progressed some things in the story. If I stepped on any toes, or planning, it was unintentional. If something doesn't work, we can work something out with it.

Oh, and, I've got Tayden's injuries and the Gates of Hell thing covered if no one else has any plans...

Very well done.

TTT: I hope Mr. Smith factors into the plans you folks have who are going to be ending this thing. I'll just sit back and read.

He does. Have no worry about that.

TTT: Good use of Drag Racer, Grimm. Very funny.
Thanks. I'm going to attempt to fit in a little more B Team/C-Men interaction before the end of the story.

Euro: On the other hand, Amuck was captured by Vanguard, so I think his presence is due to Grimm (the character).

A good, and logical, guess, but no. Check my most recent post. [mwah hwah haa]

Chewy: (though Pro didn't get all the words right... ).

Ah, but you have to ask yourself, "Would the Luchadore have gotten all the words right?" I think not. [wink]