As I see the story progressing toward the end, while the battle with the T5 robots was still going at the "one at a time" pace, I come out with my last post.

The sense of iut was: getting rid of the robots. Thpro numbered them in 250,000 there would have been no way ot taking them down ALL that way.

I tried to show how Walker didn't care of the going of the battle, until he was satisfied with his gathering of information, plus I wanted to show how cool and powerful Turner is (as we witnessed in a very cool moment in the last story). Obvioulsy I wanted to show also how the EPS is effective, compared to the assorted variety of our assembled army.

But, I would like to have Vanguard, not the EPS, to take down the T5 "mother" robot. I guess that Adem could be good at it, with his ability to "talk" with tech, but he is still fighting that Utu, right?

In any case, there are still foot soldiers on the ground, with any kind of weapons you want, if there is needs for opponents for the B and C guys, or any other subteam.