Originally posted by Grimm:
Originally posted by The Eurostar:
What injuries for Turner? The ones endured in the last story? Truner has a healing factor that was shown in the story itself.

Turner has a healing factor, too? Does everyone in this universe have a healing factor? Damn Wolverine. . . [...rassamnfrackin...] [nyah hah] [wink]
Turner don't got no "healing" factor. Wolverine is hairy yo. T can heal from "deeper" wounds due to his speeded up system and the fact that he controls and manifests energy/electricity of all types.

As for him healing within the last issue, Glitch had control over his body and was able to reach untaped portions of Turner's abilities.

All and all, Turner is one tough fucker but he doesn't have a wolvie healing factor and HE can be defeated in battle (in fact, I would love to see Turk kick his ass, Pro? How about it? :-p).