I liked... :)

I can't believe that no one has added more to this story. Grimm, Doc, and I seem to be dominating this entire battle (ironic, being we were the ones that really didn't want to do it at all).

Where are you, TTT?

Is CJ out there?

What's happening Mxy?

What's shaking, Euro?

How's it hanging, Gooz?

Where has my little Phil gone?

Isn't anyone going to join in the chaos anymore before we bring it all to an end?

I also can't believe no one has bitched about anything in my last post. Come on, guys! I killed and brought back a character. I turned Velo and LL to stone. I brought in The Order. I used The Courts of Light. I broke the fourth-wall, and made fun of my own stuff.

No one has a single problem with ANY of this? [wink] :lol: