Originally posted by Prometheus:
How's it hanging, Gooz?

Things have been very blah. The break up took its toll, mixed with finals hell and a semester that wouldn't end. But.... After tomorrow all my finals will be over (and tomorrow night, Mala and I will be meeting up to talk about things and well, ya never know [wink] )

Originally posted by Prometheus:
I also can't believe no one has bitched about anything in my last post. Come on, guys! I killed and brought back a character. I turned Velo and LL to stone. I brought in The Order. I used The Courts of Light. I broke the fourth-wall, and made fun of my own stuff.

No one has a single problem with ANY of this? [wink] :lol:

I'll bitch about it in due time. Just have to catch up to it... [wink] That or I'll simply wait to bitch about people not bitching about it after I post it. :lol: