Originally posted by GoozX:
Heh. [biiiig grin]

Euro, I hope you don't mind that I brough Ed's family into the fight. I hope you don't mind even more that I killed Ed's long lost cousin, I bet you didn't even know he had a cousin, well, he did. Now, he doesn't.

I was gonna destroy Ed's old resturant with a stray metor pebble, but checking back, you already did that (fire not metor, heh).

Pro: Very glad to be back. I'm going to enjoy writing Ozzie very much, Grimm gave me the low down on him, very cool and different than your usual flare (you beginning to become ME in your old age?).

Euro, clean fun, no having Priest make out with Dragracer or anything. [nyah hah]

Goozie, I respond to you now, before having read the story, just to assure you that I don't mind at all what happens in the stories. I don't know yet what you mean about Euro's family, being him orphan and with no brothers or sisters, and with parents so peculiar that I guess a large family like the old Euro would be un-probable.

A distant cousing? Fun. Killed? Fun. Euro didn't knew about him? Where's the sadness in that? [mwah hwah haa]