
Sorry, everyone. My computer crashed last week, and I am using the Library computer right now. [sad]

I see Grimm's gone ahead and started the Christmas Special -- very good! I don't know how soon I'll be back, so it's possible I may miss out on that story altogether (though I hope not).

BTW, I still have something to write in issue #14 -- dealing with the leftover subplot of the intruder in Vanguard Complex. Euro knows what I intended for this, but I have written it and will put it in the blank slot that I left on one of the pages in the story, so don't delete it. And don't mention anything about the intruder subplot or "Agent X" at all, please. Thanks. Oh, and I won't be able to post that one post I wanted to until I get my own computer back and working, as this stupid Library computer doesn't have any option for floppy disks [...rassamnfrackin...] and I don't want to try re-writing that post from memory here (it's long).

Anyway, I hope to be back soon, and I hope the Christmas Special isn't over by that time. Seeyas.