Just to show how dedicated I am, guys and gal, I stayed up until 4 AM last night (the day before Christmas Eve, no less) catching up on all the posts in the story, and I'm very impressed. Now I'm [censored] tired.

Pro: Great use of The Time Trust and the Courts of Light, man! It was completely unexpected but well-placed nonetheless. The Time Trust himself was a kind of Deus Ex Machina (literally the "God in the Machine" ), though this wasn't the first time he was used that way. I enjoyed the use of the Order a great deal as well. Hell, I enjoyed all of the stuff you did.

Gooz: We finally got to see you writing again more regularly since the beginning of issue #13, and the wait was worth it. Good use of the Annunaki and Priest's (almost) death-scene was touching. Thanks for explaining the whole deal with him and Kit Piper -- it finally makes sense now.

thedoctor: Great use of the B-Team, and the Adem Different stuff was amazing -- this is a really intriguing character you've introduced. I'm still not quite sure how to write him myself, but I'm taking notes. Still, the best thing you've written so far has to be the Jerome Saunders subplot -- it was fairly minor in the context of the story but really added a dose of realistic behavior to it. Not everyone's cut out to be a hero, meta or no meta powers, and even "cowards" have their chance to make a difference.

Chewy: I was very pleased to see you throw in a post of your own in there. I hope to be surprised like that more often in the future... Anytime you want to write something in the story, man, please do so.

CaptainSammitch: Like Gooz, I'm glad to see you having more time to post -- that whole "Marduk" situation was made more interesting with the touches of history you threw in, there. The Annunaki have been treated mostly as simply powerful aliens, but that post made me remember that they were around for the dawn of the human race some 35,000 to 40,000 years ago and have been manipulating humanity ever since.

Cowgirl Jack: Great interplay with Bree and Drax -- these kinds of posts are why I enjoy your writing so much. Your Christmas Special posts were good, too.

The Eurostar: Usually I'd tell you over AIM what I thought of your posts, but since I've been away for a while, I figured I'd say it here. Though I could guess what was happening to Saros when he seemingly "killed" everyone and succeeded in turning the world into a literal "Hell on Earth," I enjoyed the way you wrote it out. The Adalia Perigord stuff was awesome.

Grimm: You are the master of suspenseful action, man. I wish I had more time right now to go more into that, but let's just leave it at this: Your posts rock. (Good ideas for the Christmas Special, too.)

Mxy: I saved you for (almost) last because the Mr. Smith stuff you wrote was simply mind-blowing. 'Nuff said. It's too bad the [censored] censor censored out a lot of the shitty words you used.

TTT: Your post was self-serving despite its being a wrap-up of the earlier Mandelovia sub-plot, was WAY TOO LONG, and slowed down the suspensefulness of the story built up by Pro and Mxy. You're running into the danger of isolating your characters away from the rest of the team. Still, the Agent X stuff was interesting, though somewhat implausible.

Last edited by TheTimeTrust; 2003-12-24 6:18 PM.

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