
GRIMM: It looks like your last post on the CHRISTMAS SPECIAL is gone. You'd better re-post that ASAP if you have it saved on your computer.

Unfortunately, I don't. I'm gonna have to redo it from scratch. . . oh, well. . .btw,


Grimm: You are the master of suspenseful action, man. I wish I had more time right now to go more into that, but let's just leave it at this: Your posts rock. (Good ideas for the Christmas Special, too.)

Uh. . .damn. . .thanks, man. I appreciate it.

All of you guys are really good, and being around all of you and learning from you makes me improve. You're the best message board superheroes ever. Happy Holidays to you all.

Last edited by Grimm; 2003-12-24 10:23 PM.