Euro, great ending. I really enjoyed seeing the whole 'Red/Green Naecken' thing played out to its logical end. Very well done, man.

BTW, one day, I'll have to get this new Naecken and Rowena together for a discussion on 'Life'...

And, yes, I do indeed have a plan for what to do with Velo and LLance. However, it's not one that will return them to normal. I'm thinking, since it looks like Velo and LL won't be back for awhile, I'll just 'move them out' with the pertrified concept. Unless someone's against this. If so, speak up.

As for Tobias Christopher, I have ideas of how to remove him, if anyone wants. However, I also find him fun to play with as a 'background' character. He's my Flash fix. So, either way is fine with me. But, if the consensus is that he goes, then, I would like to do it. Anyone else?

All in all, really good story guys. However, I'm still waiting to see what Mxy has up his sleeves...