I know Mxy wanted Larry Lance to be the best man at Mick and Shirley's wedding, though I really have no idea what plans he has for that any longer. Mxy keeps his cards carefully guarded...

Kristogar Velo the poster will probably continue to use his character in solo stories.

Tobias Christopher the poster has not written with the group for several months now (almost a year, I think) as he's very busy with RPGs on Moorg's board, so let's just get rid of his character, already. It's time to flush out all the old, unused stuff and continue on with the dynamic of the new characters we have now. Still, don't kill off T.C. in case Tobias ever rejoins us for real.

Also, I think if we still want to do Chance's funeral, it HAS to be in an epilogue in issue #14, NOT in the Christmas Special, which is another animal entirely and in which it wouldn't really fit in. I hope, Prometheus, that you write all or at least most of Kristofer Schanz's funeral as you mentioned you wanted to do. I think you'd do a good job at it.

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