
I'm already having a hard time swallowing the adventure-seeking Grissom voluntarily staying behind from every mission.

In my mind, it works like this:

Grissom originally joined the team in an advisory capacity (i.e. - security advisor), which is actually the reason why he didn't go on the mission with the team in his first appearance, but stayed back at the HQ. He's gone on a few other missions since (the Malta mission, saving Kit's daughters in New Orleans, and the missions in Heroes & Legends), but his primary capacity with the team has always been strictly advisory for the most part - using his plethora of skills where necessary. After several of the "security breeches" of the last few issues (i.e. - Walker opening doorways into the HQ, Adem Different's sudden appearance), it's important that he start working a lot on taking additional precautions against such things happening again. Griss is also a "jack-of-all-trades" which means he could be just as useful at the Headquarters as he could be on the field, as I feel was evidenced by his use last issue as an Oracle-like character. His connections all over the world make him useful as a man who can "get" things (cars, guns, drinks, clothes, equipment... whatever) and he does have a bit of field medical training.

While he is an initial combination of Indiana Jones and James Bond, he's not all about the adventure. Like Dr. Jones himself said, it's not all about discovering lost cities and ancient civilizations - it's about the research.

Like I've said, the guy's good at anything and can be used in any capacity. I made him that way on purpose so that he would be able to work something out in a pinch if necessary and there wasn't an 'expert' around to do so. However, he's not invincible, as his fondness for the ladies will often cloud his judgement. Strike that. Always cloud his judgement. I'm amazed the guy can even think with Brianna and Nuriko skulking around... not to mention that uber-mysterious Vicki Xiang!

If push comes to shove, problems with his initial business - Sandcrawler Security - could draw him back to Los Angeles, but that's ultimately up to Philsy, as I left the character to him in my "will" about a month or so back. Either way, it's all up to you to make Grissom grow where he is planted...