
Okay. LLance and Velo will be fixed in an epilogue. I don't mind this, as I had only peripheral ideas about using their condition for a story idea involving a "Quest" of a type. A journey into the realms of Haven, involving volunteered members of Vanguard and The Order, to search for a cure. You know, a great story where the characters travel from realm to realm, fighting mythological creatures, and alien weapon systems. Where they meet new allies and enemies alike.

This is great! Let's do it with Tobias instead of Velo and Lance.

But, although Euro sees it differently, I think IF he stays around, then, he stays around. I don't like the idea of depowering him, and, yet, having him hang around. I'm already having a hard time swallowing the adventure-seeking Grissom voluntarily staying behind from every mission. But, for me, Tobias loses all interesting qualities once you remove his speed.

I have no real trouble writing Tobias, and his power levels. Sure, we'll always have to take into account his massive speed, and the adavantages therein. But, he's not too powerful. We just put some thought into the situations we write, and use our imaginations to write him out logically and rationally when needed. I.E., his capture by The Order in Heroes and Legends.

You have no problem, but, for example, I have. Tobias presence means that all the opponents of Vanguard should be superhuman, or magical; a gang of mafiosi, for example, would be no match for Tobias, as he would take them out before they would even noticing it. I know that Mxy's is as much powerful as Tobias, but at last he is very ingenuos. So far, Tobias has not any soft spot.