That's true, Grimm, but I think that if written properly, a man that can run to the great wall of China and back in seconds, should sense the poisonus gas with his nose and run away before the gas arrives in his lungs, so to speak. My problem with the superspeedsters (with Flash, not just TC) is that they are ALWAYS miswritten. I know they need to, or basically nothing could be done with them. The only version of Flash I loved was Mike Baron's when Wally inherited the mantle of Barry, and was seriously depowered. When I started the HR universe, and had Euro presented as a superspeedster, that version of Flash was the one I wanted to take inspiration from. Not much more than three or four posts after, Tobias reintroduced TC with silver age Flash level of powers, so I changed my plans.

But I still thinks that a speedster written like Mike Baron's Flkash would be a nicely addtion ot the Vanguardians.