I don't think there's a problem with having multiple characters. The problem is having multiple members of the team at the SAME TIME, a rule we set up long ago for very good reasons: At one point, one poster had three or more characters in the MBL at the same time, which meant that this poster was effectively monopolizing the team.

Why did I kill off Pete when I brought Chance into the picture? I might as well have kept them both around, then just kept on adding others. If I wanted to, I could have Pete, Chance, Mason, and Axel all as part of the team and ignore the rest of your characters. But what would be the point of that in a collaborative story?

By all means, use multiple main characters in stories you write by yourself, but having two members on the team at the same time and in the same story isn't right. We're not writing literature, here, we're doing what are in effect RPGs. And the informal "rules" we've set up are there to make it fun for all of us, not just one or two posters.

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