Hey DLD,

Hope you had a good time in New York.

Also hope you don't have years of accumulated wealth - it's always a bugger to move.

My excuse for not being active on the board a few weeks ago, was because I was acting Branch Librarian where I work and also trying to do school holiday story-times at the same time (basically I was worn out).

Plus as I mentioned before, I was getting ready for a University residential school in Wagga Wagga (in southern New South Wales), for my Bachelor in Library and Information Science. I've been putting this off for a few years, but I was about to loose a two year credit (exemption) for my Library Technician qualifications, if I didn't start this year.

In more recent news, my fiance and I booked our marraige celebrant this Wednesday, so that's one less thing to worry about before the wedding (on 13th December).

Anyhoo, like your idea of setting up this thread. . . but I am going to miss those ***off topic***'s.

Maybe we can do an ***off topic*** on this thread, and get a story going! [wink] [nyah hah]


[ 02-07-2003, 08:10 AM: Message edited by: Britannica ]