Interesting thought, veeeery interesting!!!!

An off-topic story in a talk thread, veeeeery interesting!!

Anyhow, because I´m not online as often is, as I´ve said before I am dependant on internet services provided by friends and public library!!

I live with my parents, 21 years old, moving soon!!! and they won´t by Internet and I am too poor, or just too cheap to get meself!!!......yikes...meself?????.....BABS????

Heck!!! I´ve just started working in a Kindergarten!!!

I tell you, children at the age of 3 through 6, and sixty of them are a living nightmare, a hell on earth and gives you gray hair!!!
you can´t help but lov....hate them!!!

Well, that´s about it on this thread, good luck against Invisible Woman Jeff with the beard!!!