In the past couple of weeks, I've switched to a communications major, cooked chicken parmigana for a couple of friends, gotten noticed by girls at the new gym on campus (always a perk, even if they're already your friends [biiiig grin] ), participated (and still particpating) in a Valentine's day candy gram fundraiser on campus, hunted (and still hunting!) for a job, went back to Fort Lee and helped my younger sister assemble my mother's new futon. I also found out that she and my mother will be moving to Maryland in August. Next week: complete FAFSA forms before the 13th, participate in more candy gram sales, prepare a how-to presentation for my public speaking class, find a job, finish a poem (sorta) that I'll probably post, go to my grandma's in NYC next weekend and log in lots and lots more gym time. Valentine's day plans are up in the air, but in all likelihood I'll spend it alone. At least I'll be working on something.