Good evening all. Happy Belated V-Day.

Everything goes well here. Life's a roller coaster, but I'm just happy to still be on it... No Valentine for me, but luckily that's by choice, not by force. Since I plan to leave my job soon, I just couldn't afford the whole Valentine's shebang.

Miami is hot, then cold, then hot, I now have DSL which makes me happier than a young dog nibbling on Puppy Chow, and I saw Daredevil for free (although I wouldn't suggest it).

But I digress. It's good to hear that you're all safe and doing well. Just think fellas, you've got a whole other year before you have to buy a dozen way-to-expensive red roses for every woman whose ever said more than two words to you. Thank goodness Feb. 14 only comes once a year...