Originally posted by Harpy:
Aw...Chant, we may disagree on some issues, but you're still my favorite villian! Besides, its hard to have an intellegent debate with someone who agrees with everything that comes out of your mouth. You keep on saying what you think.

Britannica, please accept my best wishes for you and yours. Hope you two have a wonderful and memorable wedding. I'm currently the Maid of Honor for my sister's wedding. Ah, always the bridesmaid, never the bride...

I wish I could get you all a box of chocolates for V-day, but I'm just a poor college girl.

I'm trying to build my own website. I'll let you guys know when its up and running!

Your´re missing the point here CJ, I have no problem with people dissagreeing with me, none whatsoever.
What I do have a problem with is people who refuse to be reasonble, no matter the issue, there is always two sides, no exceptions!!!
I always tend to view the issue from both sides so as to be as objectively as possible, to be as neutral and better able to discern what is rightand what is wrong, (from my point of view that is!!!)
Right and wrong differ from person to person as I am sure you all know!!

To be reasonable is to view the issue from both sides, it is to admit that the other side might be right, or at least to acknowledge that your idea of right and wrong may be entirely different with another.
Terrorism for instance, we all think that it is wrong, and that it can never be right, but what of the terrorists??? They believe that they are in the right, and that we are wrong,
Now, who is to say who is right???
Certainly not I, noone can, We believe that we are right, and so do they, I do not accept terrorism as a positive thing, none of us do, but the ones who commit terrorism believe they are right, and I acknowledge that, they are right to believe they are right, and we are right to believe they are wrong, and vice versa
Jesus, I´m getting all philosofical here!!!, this cannot be good

I was ignored valentine´s day...hulk hulk hulk hulk hulk!!!