Chant, you weren't ignored on Valentine's Day. I offered hugs and kisses to all my boys here (or boyz, whichever you prefer).

After looking at both sides on an issue, I usually choose one, state my position, and stick with it unless some evidence persuades me otherwise. Sometimes I choose both sides. Depends. Some issues are black and white, some are gray. If I may be so bold as to assume this, you seem to enjoy playing the Devil's Advocate, and the people that argue with you don't interpret it that way.

Anyway, no biggie. Like I said, I enjoy having an intelligent debate with someone that doesn't resort to petty insults.


Well, Happy President's Day, y'all. UF is the only college in Florida that has classes today. I've only been given MLK day off, and that's it until Spring Break. Almost makes me want to become a FSU student...okay, actually, no, it doesn't make me want to be a FSU student. Granted, our football team sucked this year, but at least we still got the intellect thing going for us.