Congratulations on the 200th post Jackie!!! Now show them pics [wink] So far, I haven't been hit by anything, but I'm not safe until next February. . . [eh... i dunno... ]

DLD, a Yobbo is someone who sits around all day, talking about sport, women, more sport, alcholic beverages, more women, sport, women, sport and a few more women.

I must say, I haven't had a lot of time to post lately, and thought I would have had a lot of catching up to do. . . I've been trying to fnd out about Secret of the YJ (must confess to not being familiar with her [sad] ). Anyhoo, I'm sure we will manage. . .

I have a rare weekend off work this weekend!! [biiiig grin] D&D on Saturday night - Yay!! But, better start doing some of my Uni work. . . [sad]

Hope you are all well. . .