Have no Fear! Chant is here.....waitaminnit!!!.....You´re supposed to fear when I am around!!!

I shall soon create a new thread where the Chant will start from scratch in his holy crusade against the villainous JLR!!!

And you will notice something different about him, it seems that he has been crossed with a scotsman and have acquired a scottish accent!!!

Bytheway, how you´re all doin´??

I´m doing just find since I have just found a new job which pays more that the kindergarten and I actually get muscle doing the new job.
It´s in the construction business, Don´t worry, it´s not like I intend to stay and actually build things. Actually I plan on becoming a paramedic, and seek a job downunder for a couple of years.

waitaminnit. Just look at me talking away and wasting peoples precious time here, well, I guess I just need to let out some steam after getting my testicles crushed by a girl last night, so I just need to say something to likeminded people, or creatures or whatever you wish to be called. So therefore just listen to talk away and mebbe´ I will stop sometime next millinium, and that´s if you´re lucky!!!

So anyway, Friday night I was at the cinema seeing X2, IT ROCKED, I loved it, I just so want to see it again!!! Especially the beginning with.....hmmm, maybe I should´nt say anything else since some of you might not have seen it, I would´nt want to ruin the experience. Anyhoo, the reason I haven´t posted anything for a.....quite a while is because I haven´t really been at my right mind, you know, finding I was total coward not having the guts to let a girl know I like her and that sort of thing, besides I have been really busy reading some books and comics lately, I really dig the new marvel Ultimate comic "The Ultimates" Besides I´ve been playing with my friends, the Games Workshop tabletop game "Mordheim" If you don´t know, or like it, that´s an error in the way your parents raised you. Anyhoo, it finally started going well for me in the game. [biiiig grin] [biiiig grin] [biiiig grin]

So, not anything more for me to write as I can´t seem to come up with more for the time being, so ehh SEE YA LATER ALLIGATOR, I A WHILE CROCODILE, SEE YOU SOON KALKUN, that´s Danish for "Turkey"