Hello everybody!

Hope everyone is well?

I am so so so sorry, I have not been able to post.

Marriage preperations
few niggly health problems
financial juggling

But now I'm back in the JLR! Villiany to vanquish! Evil-dooers to eradicate! Postmasters of . . . oh hang on Chant has turned good [cool] , CJ has theme music (!?! well-done, how did you do it?) and Wednesday has had yet another name-change (if your not careful you'll have more names than you will powers! [wink] ) I have been out of the loop haven't I?

Hope you are all good. Have just caught up with the various threads. Love what you guys (and girl) have done with the convention adventure. I will post shortly.

I like the idea of the rules CJ proposed. However I think I have already broken them [sad] , lets see:
Britannica (me)
Mr. Misinformation (arch-foe)
Toxic Bob (not arch-foe, but former foe)
(Who introduced She-Chant and Princess Chantina? I can't remember now?)
Buttercup (horse)
Esmarelda (the chicken)
Sue-ee (the pig from the JLR War storyline)

and I still have to introduce my future wife into the storyline (can I introduce her as my official alternate self???) [no no no]

Anyhoo, glad to be back!