Damn Jackie, you are clarvoyant aren't you? [...rassamnfrackin...] I was going to have Harpy lay a giant pink and yellow polka-dotted egg first. Oh well. . .

Yeah the battle was a tad long (hope you guys don't mind too much). Thats why I broke it up into lots of smaller posts. (Actually, I just wanted to get my post rate up so I can get one of those personal-theme tunes too [nyah hah] )

It has been a scary past few weeks. I've been thinking JLR all the time (well that's a lie. I had to write a job application the week before, but besides that all the time) - in the shower, walking along the street, I've even woken up in the middle of the night with bits of dialog suddenly popping into my head. I've been writing and re-writing on the train to and from work, and during lunch breaks.

So who are we battling next [biiiig grin]