Speaking of [wink] , I have a few issues I'd like to adress...

1. Ummmm... is this story coming to an end any time soon? We started it a half a year ago.

2. Are we gonna start a new talk thread any time soon? We're on page ten.

3. I put this item here only to make it seem like I had more than two points to make.

Point two is really nothing to worry about. We can start a new talk thread anytime we like. We could also keep this going until the end of this adventure, then start a new talk thread for the CSF.

But point one is a lot tougher (and important). Not trying to blame anyone, of course, (if anything, I drag this story out more than anyone else here) but we've got a pretty complicated story with numerous dangling plotlines. It also doesn't seem to be anywhere near its end.

But like any good whiner I offer only rants with no solutions. I do want to actually finish the adventure. I'm enjoying the plot and it would kinda suck to work for six months then ditch the story. But I also want to close this baby and move on to CJ's epic.