Hey you make good points. You're right to say its no one person's fault...I think maybe a little more communication before we do everything might help. But so far its been great. No major bickerings, and that's always good!

As far as how to wrap it up...I can't help with the battles that much, not knowing a lot about Marvel (not that I am a DC expert, come to think about it). So you guys write the end however you want. I have only one request if someone posts a conclusion before me. I figured after we save the real comic-book characters (isn't that an oxymoron) maybe have some of them thank us. You know, like have the Invisible Woman give DND some cleaning solution. I figured Hawkgirl would give me a pair of Hawk-boots. And Wonder Woman could give Wednesday...well...you figure that out. You know, that's poetic justice. [wink]