Re: Wednesday's points of order.

Point 1. I would hate to see the story unresolved too, but we could go on forever with it. Ace was working on the battle with the FKatJL, and others indicated they were willing to write other battles. I guess it all depends on where everyone is up too in their writing?

Plus Jack is waiting patiently for us to finish so he can join in the next adventure.

Anyhoo, I've nearly resolved the Brit/DBP dangling plot line (still have to get us hitched before CJ's adventure).

But I don't think (y)NW has resolved his "identity crisis" with Batman plot-line yet?

Mind you having said that, I'm attempting to finish off that old concurrent JLR War thread Chant started ages ago too. [yuh huh] (Though I'm very sorry about the last post, was doing it at work and ran out of time to polish and finish it properly. I'll edit on the weekend).

Point 2. I'm not fussed about a long Talk Thread. However I don't mind if we start a new one when we focus on CJ's adventure.
