Originally posted by Britannica:

[eh?] But your new avatar does look [cool] (um, not that yours doesn't Wednesday [um....  uh huh! ...  ] )

[nyah hah]

Originally posted by Britannica:

Everyone's changing their avatars! Should I conform with this new trend and update my look or stay with the tried and true? I will ponder this. . . [izzat so?]


But seriously, great to see you back. Hang on! Don't tell me you've changed your Avatar too?

Yes you should. It's the new trend. Now you must scower the internet looking for just the right avatar or risk never being popular again. (young)/Brian already found some really good ones.

Originally posted by Britannica:

I told you before, you spend waaaay to much time on here man!

He's right, you know. I have no excuse this time.

Originally posted by Britannica:

By the way, DBP & I read your last post on the convention adventure

Brit & DBP: <Several laughing faces>

That's a lot of laughing heads for just two people [eh?] .

And thanx.

Originally posted by Ace:

Me too {new avatar}! I decided it was time for a change.

Going with a George Lucas theme, I see [cool] .

I like this avatar. Much better than the Evil Emperor look.

Originally posted by Ace:

Sorry I haven't posted the fight yet... I've been busy with some other stuff and had to rewrite some of the parts to go along with the story. I'll get it ASAP.

Yeah, sorry we've been changing things around before you can post. We've hatched a bomb, changed Harpy back to CJ, destroyed the tape, defeated the Hulk, and added a part time member. Good thing, though, is that we're FINALLY at the perfect spot in the story for a battle.

Originally posted by (young) Nightwing:

Wednesday, who's Lord Marmoth?!

It's Lord Martoth (I know this only because I reread my post). Further misspellings will incur his wrath!

Originally posted by (young) Nightwing:

I've decided to make my character a little less power-crazed and a little more resourceful (it's truer to who I am).

Less Goku, more McGyver, got it. It would be good, though, if we could find some way to forcefully (???) power (y)N down in the story. With that much power, there really isn't any need to be resourceful.

I'll try to change the way I write him, also. I've been trying to get everyone's characterizations down pat and make each character speak different... differently... whatever. The more each person writes there own character(s), though, the easier it becomes.
Well, I think that covers everyone, and my friend still hasn't arrived for our morning run [you sunnuva...] .