Hey people, just dropped in for a short visit to announce that I have begun writing the battle between the JLR and the Avengers, and man is there a story twist there you won´t soon forget!!!

Anyhoo, Just started working again after my vacation and man is it HOT, I tell you, today we had approximately 30 degrees Celcius, which is quite a lot in Denmark I tell you!!
And I spend most of time in either a hot-as-hell van, or a hot-as-hell lifter, or in front of windows directly in the sun. And the air humidity, it´s almost unbearable!!!

Anyhoo, I recon I will have the story done by Monday, (That´s a guess)

Ohh, and one last thing, I SHALL NEVER CHANGE MY AVATAR!!!

unless there is one with Spaceman Spiff!!

see Ya