Thanks people, I appreciate it!


ohhhh, you must mean presents!!

Actually, I got a book and a waterheater for making tea and noodles!!!

the book was a HC of Terry Goodkind´s Wizards First Rule, a book I´ve been wanting for a long time, I already have in Paperback, but I wanted it in Hardcover. So that´s just great, I have yeat to get a present from my sister, but that´s okay, since she´s in London, where they have an average of 35 degrees celcius.
I´ve been told that I am impossible to buy presents for, which is understandable since I´m all like this:
Hey Michael, what would you like for a birthday present?
answer: Dunno!
It´s true, it´s damn true, I never know what I would like, since I don´t really need presents, I appreciate it though, very much, but it´s not neccesary

Anyhoo, it seems that the JLR/AVENGERS will be a little late since I am experiencing a writer´s block, it´s the same block from my SF story, it sucks.
Yes, I am trying to write a SF story, but it´s hard, it´s damn hard!!!

After the 29th of August you should be seeing more posts from me as I get my very own internet connection installed at home, a 1024/128 connection, YAY ME!!!
then Chant will have the advantage, still need those Spaceman Spiff avatars though!

anyway, we have been struck by a gigantic heatwave in europe as you may know (or not), and I find it increasingly difficult to go to work, because of the heat!
just the same, when it´s over it will be succeded by the thunderstorm of the century, it always does.

The next two weeks you may not see ANY posts from as I have been called in for military service.

see ya later people