Originally posted by Cowgirl Jack:
Nothing major, Britannica. I just made the stupid mistake of over-reaching every since I started college, and its really starting to get me. I'm fed up with the jerks at the vet-school -- they wont accept me if I switch schools to watch over my grandfather, who just had a heart transplant. So I am thinking of going pre-med, which is crazy because it's easier to get into med school than the vet school! That's crazy (thank you, Brian Fellow)!

I'm really sorry to hear abut your Grandfather. Hope he is now OK and makes a speedy recovery (in fact he'll probably leap out of bed and proably want to run the Boston marathon or something [wink] ).

I agree, your troubles with your vet-school are crazy! Try not to let them get to you too much!

I'm having a few troubles with the Vietnamese governement letting Di Bat Pho's family out for wedding. Nothing major, they just keep changing their minds on what paper-work we need to send over. *sigh* [no no no]

Anyhoo, enough of my problems. If you want the JLR to go 'round and sort-out that recalcitrant vet-school jerk who is causing you your problems, you know you only have to ask! [biiiig grin]

Take care!