Chant is back. Yay him!

Okay, so it looks like we'll be going into the Room of Spirit of Time. I'm planning (though that may change) to post the entire visit in one long shot of posts this weekend.

If anyone wants something specific to happen to their character like a name change (i.e. (y)N -> Nightwing or AGW -> Wednesday), a power change (up or down), or just a certain event, just PM me or post here with the details. Same thing if you want to contribute a post or two yourself and don't want me to hog it all, or you just don't want your character going into the Room. This goes especially for you (y)N since it WAS your idea in the first place.

Don't mean to sound like I'm taking over the story. I just like the Room of Spirit and Time idea, but I don't want it to slow down our main story too much, so I want to post it from start to finish soon.

I'll probably be posting my stuff on Sunday, so if you've got something or want to get your own post in, let me know by then.