Good. Same old, same old. Still taking fecal samples from dogs and cats. And sometimes I get to draw blood. That's cool. The one boss I like took me to her spay and neuter clinc. I got to control the oxygen there. A real power trip. My Intro to Animal Sciences class is really getting interesting...the professor is really enjoying teaching us, and you NEVER see that in a teacher lol. Apparently there are huge job opportunities in dairy farming. I wonder why its not as popular...

I blame modern miking practices. I'm sure the job was more fun in the old days.

Did I ever tell you guys? My grandpa is the most bad-ass skirt chaser over 60. He's still struggling to get his game back, but at least he stopped eating spam. And he offered to pay for half my college expensives! He really had a change of more ways that one!

Well everyone needs a hobby. I've told DBP that when I'm in my 60's I hope to still be able to chase her (I may not be able to catch her any more, but I deffinately hope to still be chasing her) [wink]

Grandfolks are great. My Nan in Tweed Heads just gave us some money to help pay part of the costs for DBP's Australian residency application. We told her we consider that to be an early wedding present, but she says she will still give us something in December.

Yeah. I found out he cheated with Shauna while dating her. I don't hang out with manwhores. And I just wont do blind dates anymore. There are a ton of guys that I've met since coming to UF. If we stay friends, fine. If we decide to do something else, fine. Maybe I am too busy to have someone steady. I mature enough to realize that.

Good for you! Maybe you'll find someone in the diary industry?

Aw! Tell her I wish you two lots of luv!

Will do! In fact I've just got to go now and meet her at the train station (she's on her way back from class).

