Attention people!!

Oh, and by the way, Trinamus is not someone I made up Wednesday, it´s my sister, ya know, remember, you talked with her via ICQ!!!

Back to the main course!

If noone would mind I would like to write the ending for the JLR convention adventure, or if there is a person out there who had decided that he, or she is going to write I have some things I would like that person included!
It´s only that I have been planning some things for a while now that should lead to a storyline centered around Chant, a story I call "The Chant Chronicles"
I won´t tell you what it is about, but I can say it has something to do with the new villainess, Trinamus, who happens to be my sister if you missed the upper part!
please let me know if any of you has thought about writing the ending, and I will send you a PM telling you what I would like you to include!
this is, of course, entirely up to the person who intends to finish this adventure!