Originally posted by Chant:
Who is this JacenSolo you are talking about?

I forgot about him! He said some things about the Italians, so me and La verbally beat the shit out of him. HAHAHAHA! I chewed him out at the JSA DC Boards a few months back, and I haven't seen him since.

Then again, I visit the DC Boards once a month now...so that may explain it...

anyhow, I wondered if we should make a poll as to what people would like to read about in the JLR adventures, if they read it anyway.
or maybe a poll on whether or not they do read it!

Sounds good. How should we ask the questions? What kind of wording would everyone like? Wednesday or I can post it.

Oh and Wednesday)...you know those shoes in From Russia With Love -- the knife at the toe of the shoe? Can I have one of those? Pleeeeeeeeeeeease? [wink]