Originally posted by Trinamus:
Originally posted by Chant:
Introducing, the new Villain, or villainess!!!

TRINAMUS, LET´s give her a hand!!!

Well thank you, thank you veeeery much....

Seems like i finally decided to make an appearance! I am indeed the absent sister of Chant. I've heard lots about you, and have now read all the JLR talk thread and various fights etc. So guess i'll join in if and when there's an open spot!?!

Hmm about myself?? Well, besides the agony of being the sister of the Mailmaster of Mayhem, i'm a pretty straight forward goody twoshoes kinda gal, doing my damn best trying to be evil. (You know what they say: Bad girls have more fun! [wink] )

I'm not going to reveal my powers to you, as it would be an unfair advantage in MY favour, as you would all tremble with horror (or fear at the very minimum....)

But i can reveal this much: I am the Nefarious Masterscheemer!!! Mistress of internet pop-ups..

You might as well surrender, you haven't got a chance, muahahaha [mwah hwah haa] [mwah hwah haa] [mwah hwah haa]

Mistress of internet pop-ups! And stealer of innocent heroes avatars!! [you sunnuva...]

Where's my Britannerang?

And what does Trinamus mean anyway?

[Before Britannica hurls his Britannerang in the general direction of Trinamus] Hang on! Goody twoshoes kinda girl? Does this mean we could somehow tempt you to the side of rightousness?

* Note to everyone - Well I was right. It didn't take long for an off-topic story to start on this talk thread. [um....  uh huh! ...  ]

And welcome Trinamus! [biiiig grin]