hiya people, just the latest update on the JLR/Avengers battle!

Well, I´ve written the introduction, though it needs some editing, but still, it´s pretty nice.
I´ve written AGW´s battle and Brit´s battle, and my own of course, as it was quite easy to make.
I am still waiting for PMs reply from La Machine (the faster I get the info I am seeking the faster I can finish the story LA) and I should start on (young)´s battle soon enough, then I only need to finish the CJ battle and the ending for this story and then I´m all done, including this adventure as it seems that it is up to me to write the ending for the Convention Adventure
This means that the JLR/Avengers will be the final battle, and winner takes all!

another thing, I thought this writer´s block was all gone, well, seems like I was wrong, but still, I should finish the story pretty soon, (Today I hope)

After that I will focus more on a scifi story I am (trying to) writing, so I will only pop in occasionally in the next adventure (Probably a lot) but still, just to let you know how things stand.
The story I am writing will be posted on the message board when it is done, it may take a long while, but still...

well, that´s it folks!