Originally posted by Wednesday:
Originally posted by Grimm:
Originally posted by Wednesday:

BTW, did someone IM me yesterday with an invitation to a room? I was out for most of the day and didn't come back and see it until hours later.

That was me.
Oh, ok. Well that mystery's solved.

Wasn't blowing you off, Grimm. I'm just really lazy about turning on that away message [who, me?] .

No biggie. We have AIM chats every now and then. Sometimes, we actually even discuss the stories. . . [no no no]

Originally posted by Chant: I have to ask you people, about something I have been thinking about for some time.
How would you like to make a seperate storyline, a more serious storyline?
I know it would mean more work, simply because it won´t be as crazy as the JLR.
and that you would have to come up with more serious characters and that it would in truth, be a total rip-off of the MBL
anyhoo, it´s just a thought I had because I have been thinking of a new character, and I reached the conclusion that he would not fit into the normal JLR storyline, simply because he is more serious.

so what do you think, Yay or Nay?

Just a little fyi, both the Penultimate MBL and Hero Revolution universes are open for newbies to come in. Anyone with the time and/or interest, feel free to look into those.

The Penultimate MBL is kinda like Marvel's "Ultimate" versions of their characters. Very little continuity to work with and easy for people to just jump right in. It's similar to what you guys do.

The Hero Revolution universe is a little more serious and complex. A bit more planned (not entirely planned, but somewhat) and more focused on the writing and storytelling. The Time Trust has set up Yahoo groups with the back stories on both the MBL and the HR universes, as well as Tomb (another former superhero writing group born from the DC boards), for anyone interested in checking that stuff out.

Message Board League

Tomb's Adventures

Hero Revolution