Originally posted by Chant:
Originally posted by Britannica:
Originally posted by Chant:
I have to ask you people, about something I have been thinking about for some time.
How would you like to make a seperate storyline, a more serious storyline?
I know it would mean more work, simply because it won´t be as crazy as the JLR.
and that you would have to come up with more serious characters and that it would in truth, be a total rip-off of the MBL
anyhoo, it´s just a thought I had because I have been thinking of a new character, and I reached the conclusion that he would not fit into the normal JLR storyline, simply because he is more serious.

so what do you think, Yay or Nay?

So what are you going to call it Chant?

New Reality?
X-Treme Reality?
Urban Reality?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

no, I don´t know, it was just something I wanted to ask about
well, what do you think?

something like a little more serious, I know that the MBL already have a universe going, and that we have been invited (thank you for that Grimm, btw.) But I just thought we could make our own serious universe
If you´d like I could make the foundation for it with certain places, villains and such, you know, do all the forework!
Let me know what you think?

well, maybe not a 100% serious [wink]