Originally posted by Velo: I DIDN'T TOUCH TTT, I SWEAR! Gob, why does my past always come back to haunt me?!?

That's not what he says! Boy's so traumatized he can barely post. [no no no]

I don't remember any such chat. By any chance, Grimm, have you eaten...The merciless peppers of Quetzlzacatenango!!! recently?

URRRRPP!!!. . .what? I mean, no. . .no. And I haven't seen any talking coyotes either. [um....  uh huh! ...  ]

Originally posted by Brit: I can offer $20.75 Australian and half a jar of vegimite for Kristogar!

What's the Australian dollar going for these days? [nyah hah]

So, wait, you're telling us this StarskyHutch person is your Mad67? A mysterious poster who started up your group and then disappeared? We are all Kahoetek! [whaaaa!] (Why do I see a story in this?)