Hi all,

You may have noticed when you entered the Hero Headquarters board, that there is a new Moderator listed.

"What!?! Why do we need another one?", I hear you ask.

Originally the plan was for CJ to set up Stage 3 of the Starsky-Hutch Awards - the voting poll. Unfortunately due to CJ's family commitments next week, CJ is no longer able to set it up.

Plan B was obviously for Wednesday to do it, but unfortunately he is still experiencing technical difficulties at the moment.

So to ensure that the Starsky-Hutch Awards remain on schedule, Gob (aka Rob, aka The Moderator) has granted yours-truely "emergency back-up temporary moderator" status, just in case.

Um, I had better go practice my voting poll setting up ability... [gulp!]

That is all.

Your "Plan C" Moderator.