Well, I think that everyone can start on the JLR: War, there should be no trouble with that, but we do have to make it fast though, and try to keep the subplots below 1000 :lol:

no, seriously, I really don´t see a problem if new people wants to join in JLR: War with the rest of us.

Once again, my ending was really lame, I know it, but I was tired and really uninspired, I mean, I had an ending which would tie all of the loose ends, but I was soooo tired. Ahh well, not to do about that, it´s over.

If you think some of my posts were not exactly in the usual JLR style, then you are correct, if some of you don´t like it, then I´m sorry, but I figured it would be a good time to practise my writing skills, so.....

I would like some advice/criticism on the two posts in order to improve my skills, please? :)