Coming up next, THE JLR: WAR adventure

where the JLR will meet new and old foes alike, here are some the foes that the JLR will meet in the JLR: WAR adventure

HOPPY, the Marvel Bunny of Evil
FROGGY, The Teleporting Teleportation Frog
and alltime favourite, CHANT, THE MAILMASTER OF MAYHEM

And now we have a reporter interviewing Froggy

Reporter: So Froggy, what are you comments on the upcoming adventure?

Froggy: Ribbit!

Reporter: Interesting, does this mean that you will be coming back in the JLR vs. The CSF?

Froggy: Ribbit Ribbit!

Reporter: I see, any comments before we go back to the studio?

Froggy: Ribbit Ribbit, ribbit

Froggy lashes out with his tongue and teleports the reporter away

Froggy: Ribbit!


well, then a happy birthday to you tomorrow Wednesday!