Well it was technically Wednesday, when I posted the birthday greetings. Makes the whole Birthday experience last that bit longer I guess [wink]

By the way, your mailbox is full [nyah hah]

And I thought I'd keep The Convention as a headline adventure till the end of the week (which probably means Thursday your time [eh?] )

  • Trin's 100
  • My 500
  • The Talk Thread's 700!
  • Wednesday's 1000 (imagine how many you'd have if you still had the internet at home [yuh huh] )
  • The conclusion to the Convention Adventure...
  • And the start of the JLR's official 1st Anniversary Awards voting poll!

Whew. What a week... [woooOOOOoooo!]

And remember everyone. Nominations need to be in 8pm Board time Tonight! (yesterday my time).