Originally posted by Wednesday:
Originally posted by Britannica:

Not as scared as having you guys breathing down my neck about the awards poll

Good to see you got the awards up and running. Well done! We won't bother you about it again.

Now hurry up and post to JLR War!

Thanks Wednesday, I was most surprised and impressed that the links to particular posts and mini-stories actually worked [nyah hah]

Haven't I posted enough of War already? I was hoping RM or Chant would pick up some of the story by now. [yuh huh]

I'll post an update of the activities of JLR ASK Force and ACDC on Sunday. [um....  uh huh! ...  ]

Actually I was hoping that War would have finished by now as well. I'm nearly ready to start posting JLR: The Wedding, but I have to wait until War finishes.

My original plan was to post the wedding of Brit and DBP on my actual wedding day - oh well, it'll have to be a retrospective story now. [wink]