Hello everyone. Glad to see the members of the JLR are alive and well.

Being Brian A. Ortiz, however, is taking up too much of my time. I had to send Midnight Spectre into exile. Considering what's happened since September, I may very well have to reverse that.

To illustrate my point. I'll post a brief list. If anyone wants details, send a PM my way.

  • My mother moving to Maryland two days before the start of the semester...
  • ...and keeping me up twenty-seven hours to help her pack whatever she couldn't put into storage
  • Her and my sister using half of my closet as storage
  • The new residence halls not opening until mid-October
  • The roommate that was (and still is) everyone's social nightmare (Think of a well-mannered but still slightly mentally imbalanced Joker)
  • Being busy with class
  • Possibly being 24 credits short of graduation, which could mean an extra semester and not going to grad school after college as originally planned
  • Acting as treasurer for two organizations
  • My radio show
  • Being reminded that a guy who hasn't spoken to a girl who lives on campus (and he doesn't) since the summer has a better chance of getting a date with her...
  • ...and she lives down the hall from me. (I just heard their cell phone conversation.)
  • All the other girls worth dating having boyfriends

The list goes on, but I said I'd keep it brief. Plus I'm not one to complain. I prefer to adapt to changing situations.