Hey Midnight, the new name is great! :lol:

BTW, your show isn't called Midnight's midnight mood music for (young) couples perchance?

Life certainly seems to be keeping you busy.

But don't worry about the ladies situation.

In my school days, I was always the go-between with the friends of the girls who fancied my friends (or the friends of the girls that my friends fancied). In high-school (and a couple of years after), everytime a friend's girlfriend had relationship troubles with my friend, they would kept asking me for advice (damn frustrating).

During these years, no one asked me out and I never had the courage to ask anyone out. [sad]

I think I was about 21 before I went on my first date (and that was just a movie, nothing else), I think I was about 25 when I started going out with my first girlfriend (and nothing more than kissing and petting took place in the years we were together). And 28 before I met my soul-mate (Di Bat Pho) [biiiig grin] . So don't fret on the women situation - All good things take time (which is easy to say in hind-sight, but at the time, I was beginning to wonder myself [wink] ).

Otherwise, take it easy. Don't overdo it. And enjoy!

If you don't already, maybe you could start a request/dedication line during your show. One of the Sydney radio stations is very popular for doing the romantic song request/dedication show.

You never know, someone may dedicate a song to you?