Yes, that was really a cool post Ace, though I wonder who is going to fall victim to Froggy, the teleporting frog next? [mwah hwah haa] [mwah hwah haa]

Anyhoo, soon you will see other old acquaintences in JLR War!

I believe that I should get something posted tomorrow, at least I´ll try. I´ve got the 2 first seasons of Star Trek Enterprise, and I´m trying to watch them as fast as I can, so it takes up a lot of my time, but still, I´ll try!

Ohh, and one more thing, my dad and I went fishing today, and I caught 3 fish, can you believe it?

3 FISH!!!!

Anyhoo, the only thing I like about fish is the fishing part, I leave the eating part to others!

that´s all for this time, I have to go running